jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

The galaicam countries and the spanish wine in this place

The galaicam countries that you know aand meet, the spanish wine in this place

Galicia its a contries that exist in Spain, perhaps you know tne galiacam counties or the celtic counties, it´s alike Ireland... similary a countires like cork-city in Ireland or Dublin a few...

Galicia have a excelent spanish wine, like Albariño, Ribeiro, Pazo de Serantellos, all a excelents and taste spanish wines

Godello y Mencia are aswell a taste and saboured spanish wine, i recomended.

In Galicia the sea it´s wonderfull and wild, and marevlous green dominated colours beside the wabes are fascinates for the boehemian and painter, it´s a wizards and "meigas" counties cause it´s a ancients countries whitz celtic bouldings and churchs, you can visit Galicia. Have a mediterranean food aswell and people are kindly, true. And you know the spanish wine too.


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